- And here are the admin commands”!help <command> – where command is one of the following:””admin advance black chat clear dq eol help ? nadmin nchat”
“remove waveby yellow /all /rc spchat nspchat “”!admin <driver> [<message>] – promote driver to administrator.”
“!nadmin <driver> [<message>] – demote driver from administrator.”
“!remove <driver> [<message>] – permanently remove driver from race and server.”
“!yellow <message> – throw the yellow flag, or extend it by a lap.”
“!waveby <driver> [<message>] – wave driver past the pace car to back of field.”
“!advance [<message>] – advance to next session.”
“!nchat [<driver> [<message>]]- disable text and voice chat for driver, or for all clients.”
“!chat [<driver> [<message>]] – enable text and voice chat for driver, or for all clients.”
“!spchat [<message>] – enable text chat between spectators.”
“!nspchat [<message>] – disable text chat between spectators.”
“!black <driver> [time] or [L(laps)] [<message>] – issue black flag with time/lap penalty.”
“!dq <driver> [<message>] – disqualify driver from race.”
“!eol <driver> [<message>] – move driver back to end of line.”
“!clear <driver> [<message>] – clear all pending black flags, dq’s or eol’s for a driver.”
These control text chat destinations
“/all <message> – send a text chat to all participants, even if text chat is disabled.”
“/rc <message> – send a text chat to all admins (race controllers).”
• Print list of commands available, or list additional information about individual commands
!admin <driver> [<message>]
• give admin to others
!nadmin <driver> [<message>]
• remove admin privileges from driver
!remove <driver> [<message>]
• remove a driver from the race, permanently, can remove spectators as well
!yellow [<message>]
• throw a yellow if not already active
!waveby <driver> [<message>]
• move car up to next lap and send to the end of the pace line
!advance [<message>]
• advance to next session (qualify to grid, etc)
!chat [<driver>]
• enable chat for all drivers
• if driver is specified, re-enable chat for that driver.
!nchat [<driver>]
• disable voice/text chat for all drivers except administrators
• if driver is specified, disable chat for that specific driver only
!black <driver> [time] or [L(laps)]
• give a driver the black flag
• default is a stop and go, optionally specify time or laps to hold
!dq <driver> [<message>]
• disqualify a driver from the race, but do not remove them from the server
!eol <driver> [<message>]
• move driver backwards to end of pace line
!clear <driver> [<message>]
• clear all pending or active black flags, dq’s or eol’s for a driver
/# <car number>
• send driver a private message (anyone can do this any time).
R (type R or r) from either the driving screen or the session screen
• it responds to the last person who private-messaged you
/rc <message>
• send a message to the admins for the current event
• (rc aka race control)
/all <message> (admins only)
• Sends a chat message to all drivers even if chat is disabled
== NOTES ==
[<message>] is an optional message that will be broadcast to all the users.
So the command ‘!remove #32 Banning for reckless driving’ would send out the notification: ‘#32 was removed from the system. Banning for reckless driving.’ to all drivers.
<driver> the form is one of the following:
• name[.name] eg John.Smith (you could also try just John or just Smith).
• Name represents the beginning portion of a name so bob matches on bob or bobby
• you can string together multiple names using ‘.’ to replace spaces so b.brown could match ‘bob brown’
• Names must be specified sufficiently to give a unique result.
• If two names conflict but one is an exact match than that name is used. This is so bob.brown and bobby.brown can be differentiated.
• The # symbol is optional to help make things faster.
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