Atlantic Motorsport
Atlantic Motorsport
Atlantic Motorsport is the governing organization of the sim racing teams, which encompasses Atlantic Motorsport and its sub teams, like Atlantic Endurance, Atlantic Ambassadors Team and others with Atlantic name. Atlantic Motorsport is a Trademark.
eSimSports by Atlantic Motorsport
eSimSports it´s Atlantic Motorsport racing event website.
Atlantic Motorsport Endurance
Atlantic Motorsport Endurance is one of the TOP teams. This team only race on Endurance events. Only Ambassadors members can be invited by the Team Manager and has to be approved by the Consulting Board.
Atlantic Motorsport Ambassadors
The flagship team of Atlantic Motorsport. Ambassadors drivers are deemed as the best the organization has to offer. Every Ambassador driver must demonstrate excellent ability and performance on a consistent basis. Expectations of each driver are also emphasized and maintained.
Atlantic Motorsport Ambassadors can represent Atlantic on any leagues and events.
Atlantic Motorsport Drivers
Atlantic Motorsport Drivers contains drivers in the organization that are not Ambassadors. Members of this team can represent Atlantic motorsport if they are supervised by and Ambassador or Manager. They can not represent Atlantic on there own.
Atlantic Motorsport Academy
The up and coming drivers of Atlantic Motorsport reside in the Academy. This team contains drivers who are either new to sim racing, or require training in order to achieve promotion into the heart of the team. Performance expectations are low, but the will to learn and improve is heavily accentuated.
Atlantic Motorsport Membership
Atlantic Motorsport spend a lot of money every year to run the team. We spend money on our Website, on different leagues, on iRacing, on our Skins, on registrations on important championships……..
All members must contribute in some form (money or helping with there work) to the Team. Members that not contribute to the Team will be “normal team drivers”. Only members that contribute can represent Atlantic Motorsport as Ambassadors and use our Trademark banners/skins.
Top Level Management
CEO (Chief Executive Officer) – Mario Rocha
The director, decision maker, leader, and manager of Atlantic Motorsport and its subsidiaries. Every plan and action must go through and be approved by the CEO.
eSimSports and Racing Team Manager – Ze Jesus
He oversees most of the day-to-day duties that keep a team running, rfactor2 server maintenance and events organizations.
General and USA Team Manager – Conor McCarrel
Responsible for organizing and coordinating the Endurance Team.
Corporate Secretary – Paula Guimaraes
The liaison between the board members and team members. Also responsible for clerical and organizational tasks.
Atlantic Motorsport Main Board
The owners of the server. This group splits all accounts from everything we spend with our server. They have one word to say about everything …..
Mario Rocha, Ze Jesus, Rui Nascimento, Martin Vindis, Luis Almeida, Jose Casanovas Muller, Jose paulo Braga, Andy Graydon, Marcel Grevelt and Aaron Jackson
Atlantic Motorsport Board Staff
The Board Staff has all the decision makers of Atlantic Motorsport. They are all main Board Staff, all Team Managers and Ambassadors whose opinion is very important to the team.
Mario Rocha, Ze Jesus, Rui Nascimento, Martin Vindis, Luis Almeida, Jose Casanovas Muller, Jose Paulo Braga, Andy Graydon and Aaron Jackson
Conor McCarrell, Marcel Grevelt, Timmy Ayres……
Atlantic Motorsport Staff
a) Team Managers
Senior Team manager – Ze Jesus
Responsible for managing the overall competitive operation of Atlantic Motorsport and its subsidiaries. Must maintain a team roster and keep track of daily operations throughout every team.
Senior Team manager – Conor McCarrell
Responsible for managing the overall competitive operation of Atlantic Motorsport and Endurance Team. Must maintain a team roster and keep track of operations.
Atlantic Motorsport Team Manager – Ze Jesus
Responsible for managing the overall competitive operation of Atlantic Racing. Also liable for recruiting drivers into own team.
Atlantic Motorsport Team Manager – Martin Vindis
Responsible for managing the overall competitive operation of Atlantic Racing. Also liable for recruiting drivers into own team.
Atlantic Motorsport Academy Team Manager – Luis Almeida
Responsible for managing the overall competitive operation of Atlantic Motorsport Academy. Also liable for recruiting drivers into own team.
Atlantic Motorsport Endurance Team – Conor McCarrell
Responsible for managing the overall competitive operation of Atlantic Motorsport Endurance Team. Also liable for recruiting drivers into own team.
Atlantic Motorsport iRacing Team manager – Timmy Ayres
Responsible for managing the overall competitive operation of Atlantic Motorsport at iRacing. Also liable for recruiting drivers into own team and maintain roster and statistics.
b) Atlantic Motorsport Ambassadors
Atlantic Motorsport Ambassadors are the most important members. Responsible for Atlantic Motorsport Marketing image.
Overall expectations for the Ambassadors are higher than those of the others in Atlantic Motorsport. Ambassadors are expected to bring a top level of competition for each race they participate in. While wins are ideal, they are not always expected. Solid finishes, however, are anticipated with an emphasis to claim a series championship.
Here we have only the more important and long time Ambassadors
Marius Nicolae,
Atlantic Motorsport Endurance Team
Atlantic Motorsport’s endurance team is available for all Atlantic Motorsport Ambassadors; experienced/inexperienced and fast/slow. Multiple teams will be created with a number of criteria already pre-determined for driver selection. However, driver lineups may set according to the following terms:
- 6-8 Hour Races: teams will be limited to 3-4 drivers each. More than that number may participate in testing and have an active role in setup generation, but the selection of the active drivers will be based on practice performance, readiness, and activity. This selection will be made 1-2 weeks prior to the race, depending on team readiness and availability.
- 12-24 Hour Races: teams will be extended to 5-6 drivers each, depending on league rules. If teams are in short supply, the
manager may reach out to the rest of Atlantic Motorsport for additional help. If no further help is available, teams may be combined, leading to a selection criteria similar to the policy in the 6-8 Hour events.
In special circumstances, the policies above may be waived depending on league policy or standard. In certain situations, the team may open up driver selection to build experience and confidence. Each individual team will have a manager, who will be nominated by the endurance team manager. These drivers will be responsible with assisting in the team’s lineup, strategy, and finalizing the setup used on raceday. The managers do not have to race in a particular event if they deem their teammates more fit to drive, but they will still ensure their team’s readiness.
All the entire Endurance Team will be Sponsored as it will be the TOP and Most difficult team to run. All drivers will be invited from Atlantic Motorsport Ambassadors; experienced/inexperienced and fast/slow. Multiple teams will be created with a number of criteria already pre-determined for driver selection.
Atlantic Motorsport Drivers
Responsible for Atlantic Motorsport good name. They are drivers that race with our name and should maintain our good name and public image.
Overall expectations for “AMP” drivers are higher than those of the other teams in Atlantic Racing. Every driver in AMP is expected to bring a top level of competition for each race they participate in. While wins are ideal, they are not always expected. Solid finishes, however, are anticipated with an emphasis to claim a series championship.
DNFs (outside of disconnections, hardware issues, etc) are severely looked down upon and a string of them from any particular AMP driver may affect their status within the team.
Drivers on this group will be listed on our Discord channel
Atlantic Motorsport Academy Drivers
Drivers from our Academy. They will be listed on our Discord Channel
Overall expectations for the Academy drivers are expected to follow our behavior rules, to learn as much as they can and to follow Team Manager advices.
Atlantic Motorsport Invitees
Drivers that are invited by our Team. They must be approved by the board. They are also listed on our Discord Channel
Overall expectations for invited drivers are expected to follow our behavior rules and to follow Team Manager guides.
Drivers Agreement
Rules and Expectations
The Core Basics
All drivers are expected to treat everyone with respect. This extends to not only team managers, fellow Atlantic drivers, and league admins, but also to other drivers on and off track.
Race everyone around you with professionalism and dignity. Part of being a professional is acting like one at all times, even when times get tough.
Every Atlantic driver must have passion for this hobby and enjoy racing in a fun and professional environment.
ON Track Behavior
While a rare occurrence, there have been cheaters caught everywhere, including former Atlantic Motorsport drivers. Results files are analyzed after each race to determine if any cheating program/algorithm has been used and eyewitness accounts are also taken into consideration.
This is a no tolerance rule in Atlantic Motorsport. Any driver caught cheating will be immediately removed from the team.
On Track Conduct
- Track Limits
The limits of the track are dependent on the racing line. Two wheels on track as defined by the racing line is required in almost everywhere. Curbing, grass, and run-off are not considered part of the track/racing line and will be considered as “cutting” the track. - Punting
A punt is considered a “nose-to-tail” contact by the trailing car that effectively spins and/or wrecks the leading car. Action by the stewards is typically absent depending on the severity of the incident. Most punting occurrences are deemed “racing accidents” and drivers involved are encouraged to handle it privately. - Intentional Wrecking
This action is self-explanatory and results in the same consequence as cheating. - Verbal Abuse
Verbal abuse includes swearing and demeaning towards any driver during a sanctioned on-track activity (qualification and race). - Right to Line
In any competitive passing situation, the right to line is owned by the leading car so long as that driver does not commit any blocking moves (more than one move is not allowed). Once the trailing car has passed the centerline of the leading car, that driver must allow adequate racing room to ensure a fair fight for the position. Any incident resulting from a pass is deemed a “racing incident”.
Some racing places does not have a “blue flags” rule. When a lead lapped car comes up on a lapped car, it is once again up to the trailing car to make the appropriate pass. The lapped car does not have to move over for the leader, but should be as forgiving and predictable as possible to ensure no incident occurs between the two cars.
Off Track Conduct
- Entry List and Attendance
In order to participate in any event, every driver must sign up to the entry list.
All Atlantic Motorsport drivers are expected to attend and be prepared for each race they are signed up for. It is understandable that personal life may present issues from time to time, but excessive laziness and forgetting about the event will be not acceptable.
- Post Race Forum Etiquette
All drivers are encouraged to participate in post-race discussion, but must be civil and courteous at all times. Hostility towards another driver after the race is severely looked down upon by many administrations and will be handled promptly. Drivers are typically disqualified, suspended, or expelled from that organization depending on severity.
Disciplinary Actions
Drivers who commit the following actions are liable to receive warnings from Atlantic Motorsport management:
- Abusing track limits
- Excessive punting – first time offense
- Verbal abuse (on and off track) – first time offense
- Counter-course driving – first time offense
- Poor attendance
Management reserves the right to impose warnings on drivers for other actions not listed above.
Drivers who commit multiple offenses for the infractions above are liable to receive a suspension from Atlantic Motorsport management.
The length and severity of suspensions are determined solely by management. Harsher infractions will receive harsher suspensions.
During the period of suspension, drivers may race as many times as they would like, but they must remain team-less. As soon as a driver joins another team, they revoke all privileges as an Atlantic Motorsport driver.
Atlantic Motorsport drivers are responsible for observing suspended drivers and access their improvement for reinstatement.
After the suspension is over, a driver may join the team at the discretion of the management. Driver must join immediately or risk losing privilege for reinstatement.
Suspensions are not available for appeal by the guilty party. All decisions by management are final.
Drivers who commit the following infractions will be expelled from Atlantic Motorsport:
- Intentional Wrecking
- Cheating
- Fraud
- Another infraction after suspension
All expulsions are final and no appeals will be allowed by the guilty party.
Internal Structure
Atlantic Motorsport has a hierarchal system that allows drivers to move up and down the team according to performance, determination, and tenure. Some drivers may be eligible for sponsorships.
Drivers starting out in Atlantic Motorsport Academy have the opportunity to be promoted to a higher level in the team.
Academy drivers who exhibit an increase in performance and consistency over a period of time in the team can expect to be promoted to Atlantic Motorsport main team. After that Drivers on the main team and whom the board see that they can represent our Team will be promoted to Ambassadors and after that to the Endurance Team. Promotion to the Endurance Team will happen when a driver shows a consistent ability to win races and/or finish in the top positions on a normal basis. Every promotion will be initiated by the senior team manager with permission from both team managers before finalization.
On rare occasions, drivers may face demotion from a team if they don’t meet the expectations of that particular team. This includes degraded performance, increase in DNFs, bringing bad image to our team and Sponsors and inactivity.
Drivers who are inactive for a long period of time (more than two months), may be moved to Atlantic Motorsport’s reserve list.
Those who are on this list are still considered Atlantic drivers, but are not actively driving for the team. When ready to race again, any driver on this list may request their respective team manager for re-entry onto the team. These drivers have priority to join the team and will bump out any other inactive driver currently listed on that particular team.
If a driver on this reserve list are racing on any place or team outside Atlantic, he will be remove from the team immediately.
The expectations of sponsored drivers are higher than other drivers and due to this, they should expect to race as much as possible and push for wins and solid finishes. Inactivity, poor performance, or disciplinary issues may have their sponsorship revoked immediately.
As all of you know, Atlantic Motorsport is a a TOP racing team. We spend a lot of money every year to race the team and we have some internal secrets that can not disclosed to the outside. Atlantic Motorsport drivers on the TOP teams and/or Ambassadors must agree on racing exclusively to Atlantic.
The majority of Atlantic Motorsport’s announcements and discussions are held on the team’s private Facebook group forums. It is highly recommended that every driver sign up and participate in the forums to keep up to date with the team’s latest activities.
The majority of Atlantic Motorsport’s RACE announcements and RACE discussions are held on the team’s Discord. It is highly recommended that every driver sign up and participate in the forums to keep up to date with the team’s latest activities.
Atlantic Motorsport’s news and events are all listed on our website. On our Website every Atlantic Motorsport members has a personal page. They can save pictures, files, etc. Some members Race History are keep on our website. The website has tags with drivers names that can list all historical from that driver.
eSimSports is our events Website. All Championships we made/organize will be there in the future. All our race results are there. There are also a connection to our livetiming website
Every Atlantic Motorsport Ambassador is eligible to race in a customized car livery tailored to the team’s color scheme. A number of generalized liveries have already been made across a number of cars and mods and are available to be personalized. Drivers interested in receiving their own skin must contact the owner, senior team manager, or one of their respective team managers on the Facebook group forums. Send in the following skin request format:
- Sim (rFactor and iRacing only)
- Mod
- Car
- Name on car
- Number
- Country representing
- Other details
a. Mirror and trim colors
b. Personalized logos or sponsorships (must be pre-approved)
Each driver’s request will be annotated and sent to the team’s livery manager (Ze Jesus), who will be responsible for sending the request to the team painter (Alex Koda). Skin requests that bypass the process entirely may be denied outright. Skins for mods not already painted may take a couple of weeks to make. Re-skins of mods already painted may take a matter of minutes. Contact the senior team manager for sponsor decals and logos.
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